Born in 1954 in Kharkov, Ukraine.
Graduated from Art Institute in Moskow in 1982 after 5 years of study. A student of student Iliy Repine, Mischan carries on the tradition of realism- with modern, contemporary dimensions stemming in part from the influence of the European School and in part from his own fascination with people.
Upon graduation he entered Union of Artists and has participated in all the exhibits organized by the Union at the republican level. He exhibited in Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland before bringing his work to the West. His reputation as an exceptional portrait artist led him to travel and exhibit extensively throughout Europe.
His exhibitions celebrate the human figure. Alexandr Mischan Moved to US in 1993. Last 18 Years he worked mostly on portraits.
Had established clients all around the Europe: Netherlands, France, England, Norway, Italy
In Asia: Tokyo, Shanghai, Honk-Kong, Singapore.
What is unusual about Mr. Mischan...
I have Known Alexandr Mischan for about six years. What is unusual about Mr. Mischan is a special ability to convey in visual form rather abstract and spiritual ideas. Unusually this is not done through abstract painting but through representational painting. I believe Mr. Mischan has an important career and has much to offer the world of art which in the future will depend on the ability to infuse spiritual values into visual forms.
Edward de Bono M.A., D. Phil (Oxon), Ph.D (Cantab)
Chetwynd Stapylton Gallery
We are very proud to present Mr. Mischan and to show his paintings in our gallery. At the present time we are exhibiting a his Gouaches in conjunction with the oregon Symphony's Russian Festival. We believe him to be one of the most promissing artist that we have ever represented.
William E. Papas
East - West Gallery
Combining his own fresh ideas with years of vigorous training and discipline, Alexandr Mischan is a leader in the Russian contemporary movement. With his exceptional works, Alexandr Mischan is following in the tradition of renown Russian artists such as Chagal, Repin, Kandinsky, and Serov. We are proud to show thisexceptional artist, Alexandr Mischan. His talent and ingenuity in his art have made Alexandr Mischan the great success he is today.
Klimenty Granovsky
FERBUARY 9 / MARCH 11 , 2013
During the Netherland's TV Shooting of the "Hoe Heurt Het Eigenlijk? Season III, Part 7. October 16"